山谷周刊- 2022年3月7日至13日


乌克兰危机致辞. Gribbons


On February 24, 2022, 总统 Putin announced a “special military operation” and invaded Ukraine. 从那时起, 我们都目睹了危机的发展, 包括大规模的破坏, 悲惨的生命损失, and the humanitarian crises as more than a million Ukrainians fled their homeland. The people of Ukraine are admirably defending their homeland and showing extraordinary resolve.

There has been widespread condemnation of the attack on Ukraine and calls for peace. 请 join me in recognizing the trauma being experienced not just in Ukraine, but also here with members of our community who have family and friends impacted by the war. The trauma can take many forms and my hope is that we are sensitive to our colleagues and students who are in need, 表达我们对他们的支持, 尽可能提供一些灵活性, and making sure they know about resources that are available to them. It also is important to recognize that many members of our Monarch community are from Russia and Belarus, and my hope is that we avoid false assumptions of their attitudes towards the invasion of Ukraine.

For those of you who are experiencing trauma, mental health resources are available. 学生可以通过我们的 学生健康中心 由Valley Community Healthcare通过电话运营 (818) 763-8836,选择选项4或分机号1455.

My prayers are with those experiencing trauma in these difficult times and for peace in Ukraine soon.

If there is anything I can do to provide needed support, please don’t hesitate to let me know.




作为友好的提醒, 请及时更新您的个人清帐帐户, 包括 your immunization records when you receive a COVID-19 booster.

所有接种过疫苗的学生 目前有资格获得强化疫苗 被鼓励去注射强化疫苗吗. 请 upload your updated vaccine information by Monday, March 14, 2022. 找出 如何上载证明到cleard4.

如果你决定 出于医疗或个人原因不服用增强剂, you must undergo weekly COVID-19 testing and receive a negative test result to continue attending your in-person or hybrid classes. Enforcement for proof of boosters by all eligible students begins Monday, March 14, 2022.

阅读更多关于 委员会政策和地区疫苗 & 测试需求.

需要搭车吗?? 今天就得到你的免费地铁GoPass!

Did you know that as an LAVC student, you're eligible for a 免费的 Metro GoPass? You can to ride all buses and trains operated by Metro from now until December 31, 2022...不花钱! To pick up your free pass, just stop by the LAVC 业务办公室 with your picture ID. 了解更多关于地铁GoPass的信息.

学生COVID-19检测预约 & 员工

3月7日星期一上午9点.m. - 2 p.m.,
3月8日,周二,上午9点.m. - 2 p.m. &
3月9日星期三下午12点开始.m. - 5 p.m.
工程100 (查看地图)

Biocept is offering weekly COVID-19 testing at 皇冠官网网站 for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays, 星期二和星期三. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link. 更多信息,请访问 LACCD疫苗接种 & 测试需求.



Join LAVC for our first Annual 国际妇女节 Event and #breakthebias. We will be joined by LACCD California Community College’s Deputy Chancellor, Dr. Daisy Gonzales and panelists who will share their experiences as women, 打破性别偏见, 歧视, 和刻板印象. Show your solidarity by posting a picture of yourself and crossing your arms in an X with the hashtags #BREAKTHEBIAS and tag @lavalleycollege.


学生和员工现在可以买到两张 免费的 Covid-19 at-home rapid antigen testing kits per person each week; Theatre & 音乐专业的学生每周可以挑选3个工具包. To pick up your rapid antigen test kits, 访问 the ticket booth at the Music Recital Hall (查看地图),星期一至星期四上午8时45分.m.-7 p.m. 周五早上8:45开始.m.-3:30 p.m.; please show your student ID or employee ID. 有关更多信息,请查看 LAVC Covid-19抗原家庭检测试剂盒的分发.

在免费的辅导下保持正轨 学术资源中心. Whether it’s Math, Statistics, English/Writing or a variety of other classes, we have you covered!

The Smart Money Toolkit is a 免费的 financial literacy resource available to all LAVC students. 查看这个惊人的资源 Self-enrolling 在工具包中,并在自己的时间复习材料. Topics include budgeting, saving, paying for school, buying a home and much more! Students who self-enroll in the course will be entered in a opportunity drawing to receive a $150 bookstore voucher. To qualify for the bookstore voucher, students must have paid the ASU fee this semester. 了解更多信息. 访问 LAVC财政援助.

The Valley College Foundation has over 250 Scholarships with over $160,000 available! 申请截止日期已延长至3月21日星期一. 要申请,请登录您的 LACCD学生门户网站. Click on the “Scholarship Tile”, and then click on “登录 Here” next to the Student Log In. 电子邮件的 LAVC基金会 或打电话 (818) 947-2619 有问题的.

The Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT) is seeking student volunteers for its 19th annual convention on March 10-13, 2022年在洛杉矶会议中心举行. 志愿者将协助会议活动, 比如注册, 问候与会者, 促进与会者的参与, 参与晚会活动, 和更多的. 请 博士的邮件. 纳赛尔Kashou 与你的活动或志愿者相关的问题.


The LAVC 儿童发展中心 is looking for student workers for the food services area (Spring 2022) and classroom area (late Spring 2022 - Summer 2022). 请浏览 儿童发展中心网页 for more information regarding qualifications for each position and to request an application, or 给儿童发展中心发邮件.

LAVC 管理服务 is hiring cadet student workers in the LAVC Sheriff Station. 与我们一起开始你的职业生涯! 工作职责包括巡逻、调度和停车执法. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and currently enrolled in 12 units. 请电子邮件 管理服务 或打电话 (818) 947-2409 查看应用程序或更多信息.


3月14日,周一,早上9点.m.-2 p.m. 工程学100;
3月15日周二上午9点开始.m.-2 p.m. 工程学100 &
3月16日星期三,下午12点到5点.m. 工程学100

Biocept is offering COVID-19 testing at 皇冠官网网站 for students and employees (by appointment only) on Mondays, 星期二和星期三上工程学100课. Schedule your appointment using your private Cleared4 account link. 有关其他测试地点/日期,请查看 全区COVID检测时间表. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 LACCD疫苗接种 & 测试需求.

3月14日星期一下午1点开始.m. YouTube直播

加入博士. 巴里·格里本斯在YouTube直播校园更新. Students who have questions can post them on the live chat for him to answer. 一个链接将很快被张贴在 LAVC YouTube频道.

LACCD encour年龄s persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. 如果你需要任何形式的住宿, 或者对提供的物理访问有疑问, please use the links above to contact the event organizer as soon as possible, 但不得迟于活动前十(10)个工作日.